A Possible Vision for Quonset Point (1999)
We have the opportunity to take a fresh look at how Quonset Point could be
developed. This outline reviews a possible set of goals and guidelines for
Quonset. Note: This sort of vision must go hand-in-hand with governmental and
tax reforms to ensure a competitive environment.
Primary Goals:
- To attract hi-tech companies - computer and biotech related to RI.
- To support existing on-site manufacturing.
- To develop new manufacturing in accordance with zoning guidelines (to
- To develop port facilities (existing and/or new) that are conducive to
meeting the current and foreseen shipping needs of existing businesses.
Zoning Guidelines:
- Designate 70% of all unused and "designated for re-use" property
that has water views for development of hi-tech campus environments.
(Water-view property defined as frontage and lots adjacent to frontage.
- Reserve first 100 feet of frontage for walking paths, picnic areas, and
aerobic circuits.
- Designate the remaining 30% water-view property for hi-end service industry
(4-star restaurants, hotels, health clubs).
- Cordon areas currently used for manufacturing and eliminate further heavy
manufacturing development except as it directly supports existing facility
expansion and/or adjunct manufacturing.
- Designate remaining properties for light manufacturing and service industry
Land re-use:
- Reduce airport infrastructure.
- Optimize size to support light private, business jet, and small commuter
- Develop world-class repair/service facilities.
- Eliminate shipping/boat operations from the old aircraft carrier piers.
- Evaluate golf course for possible reduction to allow development of central
park area.
- Evaluate Allen harbor for hotel and lux-yacht marina complex.
Landscape Guidelines:
- Landscape and terrace/contour where possible to maximize water view
- Landscape walking paths, fountains, and open spaces throughout site.
- Scenic pier/park areas along waterfront.
- All buildings to meet standards for landscaping (landscape standards for
each zone to be defined by landscape committee)
Building Guidelines:
- Stagger buildings to facilitate water views through frontage development
- 2-story maximum on all frontage development
- 3-story maximum on 2nd-tier frontage.
- Bury all cabling and electrical service.
- Lay out primary new development in radial fashion with space at hub
reserved for train depot along side park.
- Phase in overhead monorail to distribute workers throughout complex and
reduce/eliminate auto traffic.
- Build parking facility at old Davisville depot off route 102, and build 2
rail depots, one for commuter and the other for commercial traffic
Construction Guidelines:
- All buildings to meet standards for material and design (material and
design standards for each "zone" to be defined by architectural
Development Committees:
- Zoning, architectural, landscape and etc. committees made up of leading
professionals and academics from each area.
Copyright 1999, NetScribe